Bec Baker

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I'm fundraising for the Royal Flying Doctor Service

👋 Hey hi there, it great to say hi to you today. Have you ever thought about how big of a state Queensland is? Or thought about those living in remote, rural and regional areas, like some of my partners family, access immediate care or emergency care. Because these small outback towns don’t all have hospitals. For some communities, the nearest hospital is eight hours drive away!! Boy, the really do need the RFD!! I can’t imagine having a farm accident and needing emergency medical treatment but have to drive for 8 HOuRs to get that treatment!! Can you imagine that??

Which is why, this March (which also happens to be my birthday month), I’m challenging myself a special challenge to do 50 squats a day (this isn’t for fun!! And will hurt but I will do it and I will do it with a smile on my face) to help more people access the care they need. By going further, I hope to raise as much as possible for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS). Who are a very special group of heroes that bring care to those that need it in the bush. Please support me, with either a small donation of what you can afford or joining me on my team “Slow AF But Still Trying” and we can raise funds together so the RFDS can stay in the air and helping those in need.

Would you be able to join me and/or supporting me? You can share my RFDS Fundraising page, join my ‘Slow AF But Still Trying” team and raise funds or by giving a small donation - doesn’t need to be much, whatever feels right to you and what you can afford only and again and/or maybe join my team “Slow AF But Still Trying” named it that because, well, I might not be the fastest (I’m more the tortoise out of the rabbit and the tortoise) and like the tortoise I’ll always give it my best and I don’t give up. And really, that’s what counts the most that you gave it your best try. That’s what matters is it, l? You gave it your best go, we tried together

When we work together as a team we can make a real difference. Together, we can keep the Flying Doctors soaring in the air bring home and care to those in the bush they’ll be able to continue their life-saving work. 

I’ll be ever so grateful if you could please visit my fundraising page and if you could please donate to my challenge today and/or join my team “Slow AF But Still Trying”. Every little bit helps.

Thank you, I appreciate you for taking time out of your day to read my page it’s very kind of you

With gratitude, many thanks and appreciation 

With a big smile, big hug and smile 


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