Janine Walker

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My target 1550 Hours

I'm fundraising for the Royal Flying DoctorService because the flying docs where there when my son was born premmie to fly us to Townsville from Longreach. This is a service the outback relise on and is a very much needed service in Outback QLD.

Queensland is a big state, and for those living in remote, rural and regional areas, access to immediate care isn’t a guarantee. For some communities, the nearest hospital is eight hours drive away.

This March, I’m challenging myself to do 50 squats a day to help more people access the care they need. By going further, I hope to raise as much as possible for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS). Please support me!

Together, we can keep the Flying Doctor flying and continue their life-saving work. Please donate to my challenge today!

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Logged Squats

Thank you to my Sponsors


Diane Walker

You have got this sista


Clare Thompson

You've got this Hess. Thanks so very much. My family have only last month had to use the RFDS. We appreciate all you are doing and everything the RFDS do to help save lives ❤️


Shell Mcphereon

Way to go Hess ❤️


Rick & Bek Eyre

Go Hess!


Terri Searle

Well Done Hess!!


Tina Banset

Good Job Hessie! What a great cause!


Janine Walker


Larry & Leanne

Proud of you Hessie xx




Shannon Robertson


Kristie-lee Hughes


Julie Thornhill


Michelle Oliver