Generations on Tour

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We’re fundraising for the Royal Flying Doctor Service

Queensland is a big state, and for those living in remote, rural and regional areas, access to immediate care isn’t a guarantee. For some communities, the nearest hospital is eight hours drive away.

This March, we’re challenging ourselves to do 50 squats a day to help more people access the care they need. By going further, we hope to raise as much as possible for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS).

Every day in Queensland, the Flying Doctor helps 225 people in need! And in 2024 the Flying Doctor picked up 12,850 patients for transfers via aeromedical service.

Together, we can keep the Flying Doctor flying and continue their life-saving work. Please donate to our challenge today!

Thank you to our Sponsors




Paula Smith


Nina Hensley


John Ashton


Alana Clark





Thanks to our generous sponsors a donation has been matched


Helen Clark


Helen And Lisa

Good on you team!



Go get it girls! I expect to see some amazing views!




Colleen Angus


Renee Duncan

Love this 🩷🩷🩷🩷


Narelle Angus


Annie Finger


Anna Dyer


Roberts Crew


Michael&michelle Lyons

Thanks for all you do for the rural community and this fund-raising is no different. Squat hard ladies and continue to enjoy your overseas adventure!


Christy B

Go ladies! Can’t wait to see how the Irish like your squats 😜


Sally Campbell


Kerry Davison

Go you good things!


Tiffany Millard